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Dehydration - What does it actually mean for your voice?

The Impact of Hydration on Vocal Fold Function.

The human voice is a remarkable instrument, capable of conveying emotions, thoughts, and expressions through the coordinated movements of the vocal folds. One crucial factor influencing vocal fold function is hydration. Adequate hydration plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and performance of the vocal folds, impacting various aspects of voice production.

The intricate relationship between hydration and vocal fold function has been a subject of interest in various fields, particularly in speech pathology, otolaryngology, and vocal pedagogy.


Hydration and Vocal Fold Physiology:

The vocal folds, also known as vocal cords, are complex structures within the larynx that vibrate when air passes through, producing sound. Optimal vocal fold function requires the delicate balance of moisture to ensure flexibility and elasticity. Inadequate hydration can lead to dryness, stiffness, and diminished pliability of the vocal folds, negatively affecting voice quality and performance.

To understand the effects of hydration on vocal fold function, researchers have employed diverse methodologies, ranging from observational studies to sophisticated imaging techniques. Many studies utilize a combination of self-reported hydration status, acoustic analysis, and imaging modalities such as video-stroboscopy to assess vocal fold vibratory patterns and mucosal characteristics.


Effects of Dehydration on Vocal Fold Function:

Dehydration can have profound effects on vocal fold function. When the body lacks sufficient water, the mucous membranes lining the vocal folds become dry and less resilient. This can result in increased friction during vocal fold vibration, leading to vocal fatigue, strain, and an increased risk of vocal injuries. The impact of dehydration is particularly noticeable in individuals who use their voices extensively, such as professional singers or public speakers.

1. Mucosal Changes:

   Several studies have consistently reported that dehydration leads to alterations in the mucosal characteristics of the vocal folds. Dry mucous membranes can result in increased stiffness and reduced pliability, affecting the vibratory efficiency of the vocal folds. A study by Verdolini et al. (2002) published in the Journal of Voice found that dehydration induced changes in vocal fold thickness and viscosity, influencing phonatory parameters.

2. Vibratory Patterns:

   Acoustic and imaging studies have demonstrated changes in vocal fold vibratory patterns under dehydrated conditions. In a study by Sivasankar et al. (2010) published in the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, participants exhibited altered vocal fold vibrations characterized by increased jitter and shimmer, indicative of instability in the vibratory cycle.

3. Voice Quality and Fatigue:

   Dehydration has been consistently linked to diminished voice quality and increased vocal fatigue. A study by Titze et al. (1999) in the Journal of Voice investigated the effects of hydration on phonation threshold pressure, reporting that dehydration led to elevated pressure requirements (more effort needed) for voice production, contributing to vocal fatigue and strain.


Practical Implications and Recommendations:

Understanding the research findings on the effects of hydration on vocal fold function has practical implications for individuals relying on their voices, including singers, actors, and public speakers. Incorporating evidence-based recommendations can help optimize vocal health and performance:

1. Hydration Strategies:

   Consistent with the research, maintaining proper hydration through adequate water intake is crucial. Singers, for example, may benefit from strategic water consumption to ensure optimal vocal fold function during performances. Avoid excessive caffeine (diuretic) and alcohol, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Monitor Urine Colour: Keep an eye on urine colour; a light-yellow colour indicates proper hydration, while dark yellow or amber may signal dehydration.

Throat Hydration: Steam Inhalation post singing or nebulizing before singing. Some people find gargling with warm saltwater or using boiled sweets soothe the throat and maintain moisture. Stay away from medicated throat lozenges or ones with menthol, as they are drying.


2. Environmental Considerations:

   Recognizing the impact of environmental factors on vocal hydration is essential. Using humidifiers in dry environments such as heated or air-conditioned spaces, to prevent excessive drying of the vocal folds. Practicing vocal warm-ups in conditions with optimal humidity can mitigate the negative effects of dehydration on vocal folds.


3. Educational Initiatives:

   Vocal educators and professionals can integrate knowledge about hydration into their teachings. Providing information on the importance of hydration, signs of dehydration, and practical tips for maintaining vocal health can empower individuals to take proactive measures.



In conclusion, hydration is a critical factor influencing vocal fold function, with direct implications for voice quality and performance. Research consistently supports the importance of maintaining optimal fluid balance for those relying on their voices professionally. By incorporating practical hydration strategies into daily routines, individuals can safeguard their vocal health and enhance their ability to communicate effectively. As the intricate relationship between hydration and vocal fold function continues to be explored, prioritizing proper fluid intake remains a fundamental aspect of voice care.



Leydon, C., Wroblewski, M., Eichorn, N., & Sivasankar, M. (2010). A meta-analysis of outcomes of hydration intervention on phonation threshold pressure. Journal of voice, 24 (6), 637-643.

Verdolini, K., Min, Y., Titze, I. R., Lemke, J., Brown, K., Van Mersbergen, M., ... & Fisher, K. (2002). Biological mechanisms underlying voice changes due to dehydration.

Sivasankar, M., & Leydon, C. (2010). The role of hydration in vocal fold physiology. Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery, 18(3), 171.

Franca, M. C., & Simpson, K. O. (2009). Effects of hydration on voice acoustics. Contemporary issues in communication science and disorders, 36(Fall), 142-148.

do Prado Franca, M. C. R. (2006). Effects of hydration on voice performance. Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.

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